Sometimes, even with a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, you get hit with illness. It seems like half the people we know have the flu right now! We've been under the weather this week, too. It can take a while to get through a household of 8 people. Fevers, nausea, achy body, coughing fits, we've seen it all. We're not too bad off, for the most part, just a lot of resting, napping together, and extra TV time. Andy and I were hit first, so at least we can take care of the others now.
We learned that while under the weather, you might decide to try out a baby bottle for the first time ever - and like it! Daddy enjoyed the snuggle time. (Can you believe how long her hair is getting?)
And you might start sleeping in unusual places.
Your big sister, too.
Then one brother....
and another.
There are downed children and comfort items everywhere we look. Poor sweeties. It hit little Isaac today, so Anna-Lise is the only one to escape the bug so far. (We're rooting for you, Anna! :)
Keandre has been sleeping around the clock for 2 days now, but as of tonight, his fever is finally dropping.
These two snuggled up and watched Curious George 2 next to me while I napped. This is the life, right? (Ha...Lucas would disagree!)
We haven't had the flu in 3+ years. At least we got it over with early this season, right?
What do you do to build your family's immunity during the winter sick season?
(blog post on that soon)