Friday, August 12, 2011

Funny Friday


We have been known to dress all our kiddos in the same color, to keep track of them at the Children's Museum or a crowded splash pad.  But a trip to Target?  I assure you it was their idea this time.  But I figured we stand out as it is.  Why not really make them wonder? :)  (Can you believe we had 5 shirts in 5 different shades of green, and they all fit?  Nothing short of amazing, I say.)

ps - We're having a great time with cousin Sam this week while his parents celebrate their 10th Anniversary.  Congratulations, Uncle David & Auntie Sarah!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CURED - please vote daily!

UPDATE: We did it! CURED was in 2nd place for the Central region when the contest ended, and won the $100,000 grant! Thank you SO much for your help!

Are you on Facebook?  Do you have a spare 30 seconds a day to vote for a good cause? 

If so, we need your help!  Vivint is giving away LOTS of money to a select few charities.  And we, the general public, get to decide who gets the money! 

There are MANY great charities on the list, but we hope you'll choose CURED.  This non-profit organization working toward a cure for Eosinophilic diseases. 

Keandre has this serious and painful disease.  It has been life-altering for him.  It has changed who he is as a person.  If you have followed our journey at all, you know that he has had a rough go of it.  We are so very thankful to say he is finally on the path to healing, but we have a long way to go still.  It has taken daily medication and strict avoidance of 21 different foods (dairy, eggs, nuts, wheat, soy, fish, chicken, get the picture?) to even start him on the right path.  And he will continue to need regular endoscopies, medications, and this very strict diet indefinitely.

If you know Keandre (or another child with an Eosinophilic disease), we'd appreciate you voting in his honor. 
Here is the link to vote. (And here is where Vivint explains how to vote.)

First Day in First Grade

On our way to the first grade Open House.

It's official.  Destany is in first grade!  Ultimately, we hope to have both Lucas and Destany at a local Montessori school, but while we wait to see if there is a little movement on the waiting list, Destany is at the local school, and Lucas chose to continue home schooling.  Yes, I have mixed feelings about it.  But we are quite content to try out public school for a time, knowing we can return to home schooling at any time. 

At the end of the day, we were presented with a little keepsake.  You may notice that she wrote Nichole instead of Destany.  Yes, at school our sweetie is going by her middle name, Nichole.  At home, too, if she can get us to remember!  We have always liked the name Nichole, and it is her birthmother's name, too.  So when she decided that starting at a new school was a good time to try out a new name, we agreed.  So far, so good!

ps - She looks so cute in her uniform. :)
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